What we do

We aim to achieve a broad understanding of the humane use of animals in medical, veterinary, scientific and environmental research and to do this we seek to engage with and inform members of the public, the media, policy makers, schools and the scientific research community.

Understanding Animal Research provides information and educational materials based on thorough research and understanding of the facts, historical and scientific, find them in our resources section.

We also run a schools programme what takes animal technologists and scientists into schools to talk about their work. You can book a visit here.

We support journalists to tell stories about animal research. If you are a journalist or producer and need help please contact cmagee@uar.org.uk and he can help you find interviewees and institutions to visit.

We also support the bioscience community in their communication with the government about the policy and law that regulates this sector. If you need help please contact cmagee@uar.org.uk.

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